Monday, December 03, 2012

Loose Talk

A random collection of quotes in the news today:

"It was an interesting enough series, but it wasn’t a good image at all. It was all shooting and blood." -Miami Beach Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, quoted in the Financial Times on the impact "Miami Vice" had on Miami Beach's image. (-via rakontur)

This is NOT a scene from "Miami Vice."


The parents of 8 year-old Jillian Thomas let her feed a wild animal at Orlando's Seaworld and then are shocked when it acts like a wild animal and bites Jillian.
"Everyone just imagines dolphins as smiling, non-biting animals with knobby teeth. You forget these are wild animals." -Jillian's mother, Amy Thomas, quoted in the Orlando Sentinel.

This is NOT the dolphin that bit little Jillian:


And finally, Ocean Drive magazine arts editor Brett Sokol, writing in the New York Times, nullifies celebrity author Tom Wolfe's depiction of Miami in the novel, "Back to Blood."
"In the end, they [Florida voters] rejected every one of the most eyebrow-raising proposals — from property tax breaks for snowbirds, to restrictions on abortion, to, yes, further tightening of the embargo on Cuba. That kind of patient thoughtfulness may not make for as exciting a headline as anti-Castro demonstrators, or celebrities behaving badly. But for those of us who actually live in Miami — who don’t merely parachute in to deliver glib verdicts — it’s reason to be hopeful about the future."

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